coracoid process

Wikipedia Summary

The coracoid process (from Greek κόραξ, raven) is a small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula (hence: coracoid, or "like a raven's beak"). Pointing laterally forward, it, together with the acromion, serves to stabilize the shoulder joint...
Related Codes (49)
S42.13Fracture of coracoid process
S42.131Displaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder
S42.131ADisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, initial encounter for closed fracture
S42.131BDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, initial encounter for open fracture
S42.131DDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S42.131GDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S42.131KDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S42.131PDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S42.131SDisplaced fracture of coracoid process, right shoulder, sequela
S42.132Displaced fracture of coracoid process, left shoulder

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